Complementary course to 200 hours to get the 500 hour degree


from July 6th 2020 to January 31 2021



Yogaone Tuset

aribau 230 08021 Barcelona


Friday from 19 to 22

Saturday from 9 to 18.30

Sunday from 9 to 14.30

The schedules may undergo slight modifications.


MODULE 300 hours 2020

This module is the next step for any practitioner who has completed 200 hours in Yoga.

To the bases that establish the 200 hours, we add modules that cover a deepening in pedagogy (how to teach) personal practice and I surpass all the necessary knowledge so that you can exercise as a teacher with ample and established resources.

It is necessary to have completed or be studying 200 hours in a Yoga center and present the corresponding diplomas before the start of the course

Course program:
The course is composed of 3 modules:

Styles Course for future teachers: 7 seminars with international trainers.
Intensive summer course: 1st week of August (alternative in autumn at weekend)
Anatomy and pedagogy module: 2 weekends.

Course Director: Jordi Canela
Yoga paths course: Jordi Canela, 
Yoga styles course:
Vladimir Jandov (Yoga Iyengar)
Kat Charon (Prana Flow)
Eva Oller (Asthanga Yoga)
Ambra Vallo (Forrest Yoga)
Sabine Rösch (Sivananda Yoga)
Emanualle Ricci (Jivamukti Yoga)
Yiannis Andritsos (Dharma Yoga)

Course Calendar
The calendar could undergo some slight modification until the beginning of the course, as well as the team of teachers.

o Yoga Paths Module: From 6 to 12.
o Yoga Iyengar (Vladimir Jandov): 17,18,19.
o Forrest Yoga (Ambra Vallo): 31, July 1 and August 2.
o Continuation àForrest Yoga (Ambra Vallo): July 31, August 1 and 2.

o Sivananda Yoga (Sabine Rösch): 25,26 and 27.

or Dharma Yoga (Yiannis Andritsos): 16,17,18.
o Pedagogy: 24 and 25.
o Ashtanga Yoga (Eva Oller): October 30,31 and November 1.
o Continuation to Ashtanga Yoga (Eva Oller): October 30,31 and November 1.
o Vinyasa Yoga (Kat Chareon): 13, 14 and 15.
or Jivamukti Yoga (Emmanuela Ricci): 11, 12 and 13.
o End of course: 31.

If you cannot attend the summer path module, you have the option of taking this module in Autumm 2020.
If you cannot access the Friday style sessions from 19 to 22, I will not tell you in your attendance count.

Evaluation and qualification:
To obtain the diploma of our school, the following requirements must be met:
Have the 200-hour course approved
At least 80% of the teaching hours of the course
Written work on the path course.
Appropriate behavior of respect and companionship during the course.

Diplomas and certificates:
Once the Yogaone diploma is obtained, the student can be accredited in Yoga Alliance International if he wishes. The student will assume in this case the procedures and their cost, as it is an individual management.

With the diploma of the course a certificate is also given to be able to present in the process of the process Accreditation of the Generalitat.

Procedure: Once the course has been paid to complete the registration it is necessary to go to Yogaoe Tuset to sign the relevant documents and receive the bracelet for access to the courses.

300 hour module price for students who have already completed 200 hours:
Until December 5: € 1250 one-time payment (installment payment: 350 + 11 installments of € 99)
Final: 1,475 single payment (installment payment: 350 + 11 installments of € 123). * If the registration date is very close to the course, the first fee may have to be paid with the initial payment)



Ambra Vallo

Ambra Vallo

Dharma Yoga / Rocket Yoga / Forrest Yoga Heiress of the lineage of Larry Shultz, Ana Forrest and Sri Dharma Mittra, her goal is to guide others so that they can also experience the many amazing benefits of yoga on the body, mind and soul. Ambra was the principal dancer of the Birmingham Royal Ballet. He started with yoga to recover from the injuries caused by the demanding training regime of professional dancers. Apart from becoming a hobby, she was accredited as a yoga teacher to help improve and prolong her professional career. Slowly, over the years, he fell in love with the most subtle and spiritual parts of the practice. Ambra's teaching is fun and spontaneous, heiress of the lineage of Larry Shultz, Ana Forrest and Sri Dharma Mittra. Their goal is to guide others so they can also experience the many amazing benefits of yoga on the body, mind and soul.

Eva Oller

Eva Oller

Internationally recognized Yoga teacher. He has studied with the best Yoga teachers such as Sri K. Pattabi Jois, Saraswati Jois, Sharat Jois, Dona Holleman, Mark Whitwell, Eddie Stern, Peter Sanson, Rolf Naujokat, Dena Kingsber, John Scott, Kirsten Berg, Monju Jois, David Swenson, Peter Sanson, Mathew Sweene, Hamish Hendry, Lino Miele, Pettri Raisanen among many others, in India, Sir Lanka, Thailand, Bali, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, UK, USA. In 2005 she was Authorized by Sri K. Pattabi Jois himself, as a Teacher in the Ashtanga Yoga Style. She is also certified in the Styles, Sivananda Yoga, Centered Yoga and Heart of Yoga. From her base in Formentera she travels around the world organizing Trainings, Retreats, Workshops, Online Classes and all kinds of events related to the world of Yoga Founder of Formentera YogahOMe, her school on the Island.

Kat Chareon

Kat Chareon

« It’s not touching your toes that counts, it’s the trip down » My love afair with yoga began over a decade ago with Ashtanga. I fell under the spell of the physical aspect (previous misconceptions of yoga being slow and boring were quickly put to rest!), which allowed me to reconnect with my body and its movement. At frst, it just felt good! It was my moment for me to breathe and move with consciousness in my body. Little by little, the practice of asana opened the door to a whole other facet far beyond the body, the undeniable link between body mind and soul: « treat your body well so that your soul wants to reside there ». My body was like a vessel that helped guide my mind through murky waters, allowing me to explore the unchartered territory within, to discover and accept what I found and ultimately to open me up to seeing new horizons. That’s when I understood clearly (and got the courage) to let go of a 15yr career, in which I was unhappy. It’s this ever evolving journey that continues to help me grow and surprises me everyday that makes me want to share and transmit what I’ve learnt and what I will continue to learn. Namaste.

Vladimir Jandov

Vladimir Jandov

Vladimir Jandov started his path to yoga at age of 13 by first discovering Martial Arts, and has been practicing Iyengar Yoga for over 20 years and teaching since 2002. He trained with some of the best teachers in the U.S, Europe and India and still continues to deepen his knowledge and experience in his field by completing a first of its kind 3-year therapeutic yoga training program. Vladimir has a dynamic teaching style and strives to take his students beyond their perceived limits in a safe, methodical way and uses his humor to interact with and pays close attention to each student in the room. A teacher trainer, he travels extensively each year conducting workshops at studios Internationally and leads yoga retreats to different exotic and interesting locations around the world.

Yiannis Andritsos

Yiannis Andritsos

Yiannis spent over 10 years studying daily under Sri Dharma Mittra, one of the greatest yogis of our time. Since 2013, Yiannis travelled the world, sharing what he has learned at the side of his teacher, so more can experience the true essence of yoga.


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