sun salutation yoga poses

The sun salutation, the secret to beginning the day brimming with energy

The sun salutation consists in 12 yoga postures which are the perfect formula for awakening the body and filling it with vitality

In Hindu mythology, the sun is venerated as a source of health and immortality. The sun symbolises light and knowledge, and the sun salutation (also known as Surya Namaskar) is viewed as a dance or ritual to open ourselves up to the source of life and wellbeing. In fact, the sun salutation sprang from a series of prostrations to the sun, and Hindu tradition recommends doing it in the morning, facing the sun as it rises.

Gain strength and flexibility

It consists in 12 consecutive yoga postures which are done fluidly with attention to the breath. Each asana compensates for the previous posture, and as a whole the sun salutation awakens the body and activates its strength and flexibility. It helps improve coordination and relaxes and centres the mind. Plus, it is particularly healthy for keeping the spinal column and back flexible, as well as for stimulating different internal organs. It is a practice that helps fill the body with energy, and it is often used to warm up the body at the beginning of yoga classes, since it is a very well-rounded sequence.

If you practise it every day, not only will you notice that you begin the day full of energy, but you will also do so giving thanks for life and therefore full of joy. You can begin by doing 4 in a row and gradually increase it until 10.

The 12 postures in the sun salutation

  1. Exhale, and with a straight back and the weight of your body evenly distributed on the soles of both feet, join your palms together in front of your chest. Connect with your breathing.
  2. Breathing in, stretch your arms up and back.
  3. Breathing out, drop your hands to the ground next to your feet.
  4. Breathing in, put your right leg back with the knee on the ground while looking upward.
  5. Holding your breath, bring the other leg back, lengthening both of your legs and arms.
  6. Breathing out, flex your legs until you touch the ground with your knees, chest and forehead.
  7. Breathing in, rest your hips and legs on the floor as you use your arm strength to open your chest. Lean backward and look upward.
  8. Breathing out, lift your hips and look towards your abdomen.
  9. Breathing in, put your right foot between your hands as you lower the other knee to the ground.
  10. Breathing out, bring your other leg forward, put your feet together and try to touch your legs with your head.
  11. Breathing in, raise your arms up and back.
  12. Finally, breathing out, join your palms together in front of your chest.

Now, begin your sun salutation again, this time starting with your left leg.

sun salutation yoga poses

Learn about more yoga postures in our blog and keep practising to learn more about the benefits of this practice.

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